The Ultimate Intelligence

Dear Love InSight Friends,

After earning advanced degrees and seeking answers from a mental standpoint for my entire life, I can say this with confidence: the ultimate intelligence isn’t to be found in books or classes.

The highest form of intelligence is always love.

It is the ability, desire, and willingness to return to the heart when things get tough.

I cannot emphasize this enough in my coaching, in my writing, or in my own life.

The mind can take us to many exciting and helpful places—but it will not take us home.

When we are feeling mad, sad, abandoned, betrayed, lonely, judgmental, jealous, or otherwise triggered, and we are tempted to dig our heals into stories of separateness, that’s where the real “homework” begins.

In my experience, the level of intelligence it takes to choose love when we are in pain is more magnificent than ANY academic degree or outward success.

In other words, what we do with and in spite of our pain says everything about us. Choosing to love against the odds requires the ultimate courage, understanding, and adventurousness.

This is why relationships are the soul’s training ground.

Learning to really love—in our relationships to ourselves, others, and the world—is the “spiritual end of the road”, in my view.

And it’s the most impressive, transformative, and revolutionary form of education ❤️

I am thrilled to share this path with you! I’m here to be your ally, sounding board, co-pilot, cheerleader, and blind spot checker as you navigate the journey of human connection in a spirit of growth, empowerment, & heart expansion.

With love,

Marie 💕


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