Alchemizing rejection into Life Mastery

There’s no question: romantic rejection is one of the most painful of all human experiences.

But beyond just being painful, there’s also a quality to it that can feel existentially outrageous.

Rejection often seems to “break” something in us, and “mess with our head”. It seemingly has the power to shake our faith in the goodness & value of life itself—and can leave us jaded, disillusioned, depressed, anxious, and self-doubting.

Other experiences that have such power to “damage” our sense of faith and congruence in the world appear far more dramatic in comparison: death, trauma, war, abuse, violence, etc.

But somehow, it can feel almost impossible for some of us to truly “get over” rejection without holding on to its wounds.

So why is romantic rejection such an existential blow to our psyche?

Why would a person not choosing us as a partner ever get registered as a trauma in our bodies and minds?

The low-hanging fruit answer is that psychologically, romantic rejection mimics being abandoned by a caregiver—and triggers a sense of threatened survival and safety at a deep biological level. And it’s of course worse for folks who have experienced abandonment trauma in their lives.

Understanding this is no doubt helpful—but I’d like to take the question a few notches deeper.

In my work, I witness people of all backgrounds, even those with secure attachment and loving upbringings, psychologically crumble under the weight of romantic rejection—and become hardened, jaded, self-loathing, or cynical.

What I have come to realize is that rejection triggers a *spiritual* wound—not just a psycho-emotional one.

The wound of knowing how fundamentally not-in-control we are. The wound of feeling “forsaken” or forgotten by Life itself. The wound of feeling unseen.

And thus, I believe rejection represents not a threat that must be avoided at all costs, but an opportunity to heal and grow formidably by meeting the spiritual wounds face-on.

Existentially, romantic rejection threatens some of the main pillars of our sense of ego/self and identity:

  • Our sense of lovability, and by extension our sense of being "wanted" by the Universe itself, here on this planet;

  • Our illusion of being in control of life and our destiny (which would include controlling other people);

  • Our sense of congruence between “doing the right thing” and “getting the results we want”—i.e., our sense that we are “owed” or “deserve”love from others.

Where’s the opportunity?

Our ego/self thrives by feeling in control of things. But accessing a deeper level of inner peace has to do with releasing control and expectations.

And that’s hardest to do when we feel rejected; forsaken; when we don’t get what we want or think we “deserve”; and when things just don’t seem fair.

Most people harden their hearts under these circumstances—and they double-down on control tactics.

It’s an understandable reaction—and I have no judgment whatsoever. The Universe is undeniably playing a messed up game with us—sending us all this pain and leaving us to figure out what to do about it.

But I am a first-hand witness to the fact that there’s an alternative. A positively defiant way to alchemize the pain of rejection into Life Mastery skills.

In my experience, the only viable alternative to becoming jaded, self-loathing, or hardened from rejection is to let ourselves become surrendered, humbled, softened, deepened, and strengthened by it instead.

  • Surrendered to the fact that we cannot control life, or other people’s feelings. Even when their feelings seem so wrong.

  • Humbled by the fact that no one owes us love. Any love we receive is a gift, not a given.

  • Softened by choosing to trust life in spite of not being in control of it.

  • Deepened by letting go of our agenda and ego, and saying yes to a “greater agenda” that we might not understand. Also, allowing a depth of compassion for self and others that can only get activated by experiencing pain.

  • Strengthened by the power and intentionality of choosing love and life in the midst of pain—which requires a strong mind and heart.

These are critical tasks for anyone seeking to invoke deeper layers of peace, freedom, and authentic creativity within themselves. And there is no way to acquire these qualities without releasing the illusion of controlling Life, and becoming humbled to its mysteries.

In sum, feeling the pain of rejection is an opportunity to rewrite the story from a self-defeating script (crumble or harden) to an empowering one (trust, grow, choose love). It is an opportunity to say a bigger YES to LIFE and to LOVE!

The “medicine” of rejection is no doubt a harsh one—but a conscious response to its pain can catalyze a whole new level of love and acceptance for ourselves and for life itself.

These are the spiritual gifts that countless people go into a monastery for lifetimes to receive.

Looking at romantic rejection through a spiritual lens—and using its emotional intensity to open up our hearts more decisively, rather than to contract them—is one of the most potent and effective paths we have at our disposal to grow into the bravest and most fiercely loving human beings we can be.


The Ultimate Intelligence


Dating is a trip. Be mindful of your set and setting!