Curiosity is LOVE!

If I had to share just ONE piece of wisdom about creating a vibrant love life, it would be this: Reclaim and follow your natural CURIOSITY.

Without curiosity, dating becomes a chore. Relationships become stale. Life itself loses its magic. 

As children, we were naturally curious and receptive—asking literally hundreds of questions a day. This was how we connected with the world. We were sponges!

Growing up, however, we were taught to ask fewer questions and to be quiet. We started believing that KNOWING is more valuable than WONDERING. 

We also learned to JUDGE—as a way to feel better about ourselves, control our thoughts, and protect ourselves from emotional pain.

This aspect of our socialization numbed our capacity for intimacy. When we pigeonhole people into mental boxes, we relate to our images and ideas about those individuals, rather than to their real, dynamic, and multidimensional beings. This is the essence of objectification. 

While it is natural for our brains to categorize stimuli in order to make sense of our environment, when we allow ourselves to be numb to the uniqueness of every moment and interaction, we rob ourselves of countless opportunities to experience vibrant love.

Put simply, curiosity IS LOVE!

Curiosity shows that we care. Curiosity says, “you matter to me”. Curiosity says, “I want my connection with you to leave me transformed”.

Love is about looking at people with fresh eyes every day! Thus, the good news is that relationships and sexuality can be a highway to reclaiming our most receptive and curious selves.

How do we practice radical curiosity in dating?

Next time you interact with someone, whether it’s online or in person, ask yourself:

  • What am I feeling physically as I am connecting with this person? 

  • What thoughts and emotions—hopes, desires, fears, repulsions, etc.—get activated in me? Why?

  • Who is this unique person in front of me? What is their story? How do they see the world?

  • What can I learn from this unique interaction?

  • What impact is this person having on me? What impact might I be having on them?

Genuine curiosity breeds awareness and intimacy—which are fertile soils for love and transformation. Reclaim your natural curiosity and you will reap rich fruits!

I wish you excitement and magic in all your relationships. As always, I am here for you should you want individualized support!

Sending you love,

Marie xo


🌎 The geography of dating


Being courageous in love ❤️