Being courageous in love ❤️

Can we open our hearts to love while being aware of the many threats that stand in its way?

It takes defiance, courage, and grit to do so in a world that is laced with intense suffering around love and attachment.

For example,

1. Heartbreak

2. Death

3. Jealousy & competition

4. Rejection

5. Insecurities

6. Conflict & power struggles

7. Trauma

8. Boredom

9. Judgment

10. Control & possessiveness

11. Hopelessness & disappointment

I could go on. But you get my drift: Most of us keep our hearts closed and protected, at least to some extent, because of the possibility of pain that comes when we open them up.

There are certainly good reasons to do so. However, we may be shutting the door to an entire realm of magic, transformation, and aliveness when we delay healing our fears and creating love from inside—which is a vulnerable and tender process, but also a wholesome and life-affirming one.

Being courageous in love means going beyond our habitual comfort zones, facing the obstacles that are keeping us trapped in patterns, and choosing freedom over familiarity. It takes not only a strong inner decision, but also a support system that creates inner and outer safety as you go on this journey. Investing energy into self-care, health, friendship & community building, purposeful work, spiritual or mindfulness practice, and cultivating joy in whatever ways feed your heart are all meaningful parts of the path of opening ourselves more fully to interpersonal and intimate love, with all its challenges and promises.

My questions for you:

In what ways can you love a little more today than you did yesterday?

What would it take to open your heart another metaphorical inch, in spite of lacking control over the object(s) of your love or potential love?

Of course, we can—and should—build relationships that promote a sense of security and stability. It’s essential to maintaining basic sanity. That’s also where relationship agreements and good communication skills come in.

But being courageous in love also means embracing the fact that we don’t *actually* have control over anything or anyone.

And yet, we choose to love more instead of less.

We give more, knowing that everything can be taken away.

We can build our nervous systems to handle one more ounce of unveiled reality, one more sight into the unknown, one more step into surrender and trust.

I am here to support you on this journey of becoming whole, and love yourself and others more fully. Let’s have a conversation about what YOU would need to create a more love-filled life!

Sending all my love,



Curiosity is LOVE!


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